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Creative practices to help you hear God's voice, find meaning and be encouraged.

Online Community 

While we may be world's apart, having a safe place for you to process the ideas, emotions and practicals, I am here. Join our online community!

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good  works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.


4"x 6" inch 


2 Postcard Prints

There are a lot of voices out there and finding your voice can be challenging. Looking for your authentic values, while prioritizing what matters most to you can be a difficult balance. The creative process can be daunting and that's where we need one another to foster a space where we can work together and build. 


-This is a space for you to ask questions 

-This is a space for you to risk

-This is a place for you to explore your faith with God




"The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection" -Michelangelo



What it is:

-Overcome the negative voices in your head that you are not enough or "can't"

-Learn to include your grief, your joy, your uncertainty in your story

-Honour the itch 



What it's not: 


-Quick achievements 


-Tutorials and techniques





Lisa Vernisage (41 of 120).jpg

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Make art with Lisa

A safe environment to explore artistic expression and discover the fascinating experience of movement, shapes, and forms!

+2. 5 hours + set-up/take-down

+Supplies Included 



Depending on the need, I offer both safe, exploratory workshops as a creative outlet as well as animating step-by-step instructions. 


Message me for a date! 

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